
Fear&Love thumbnail


Fear&Love is a short Kinetic Novel (about 10000 words) about Kino, a boy who is afraid to confess, and Mae, a girl who struggles with her own heart. They try to help a couple of friends (Subare and Zira) with their relationship and have to face an unexpected question: ‘What are your feelings?’ A wave of doubt and fear overwhelms them: ‘What’s he thinking?’ ‘How is she going to react?’ ‘Can we be sure?’ ‘It can’t be so difficult!’ The VN is narrated from different character’s points of view (Kino, Mae, and more), and sometimes presents their thinkings and their words (that, curiously enough, don’t match). I’ve tried to express this with text in different colors. I expect it’s not too confusing.

Oct 01, 2013 • 10,000 words • All ages

Visual Novel Kinetic Novel

Release 1.0

Release Date: Oct 01, 2013
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py


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Fear&Love screenshot 2
Fear&Love screenshot 3
Fear&Love screenshot 4

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