Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach The story takes place in present-day Bavaria. Socially awkward 24-year-old NEET Bernd Lauert starts a new life in the small mountain town of Unteralterbach. He is forced to take a job at a local police station to help with the investigation of a gang of sex offenders. But of course nothing is as it seems, and Bernd soon finds himself in a deep, supernatural mess. Language: German; English
Mar 11, 2025 • 10 - 30 hr • 130,000 words • Ages 18+
Mystery Parody Visual Novel Boy pursues Girl Other Gameplay
Aug 25, 2024 • 7.00 hours • Ages 18+
Visual Novel Boy pursues Girl Girl pursues Boy Mystery
Great Troubles! (Большие неприятности) is a yaoi furry visual novel (18+) created by: HAZUKASHII ♥ TEAM (2015) Plot: At the beginning of the second semester a new student from the countryside is transfered to a famous city school. School days promised to be interesting and fun, but something went wrong… It's side story I Promise has been released in english as of december 2016
Apr 23, 2024 • 2.00 hours • Ages 18+
The Literature Club is full of cute girls! Will you write the way into their heart? This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed.
Apr 10, 2023 • 5.00 hours • Ages 13+
The first gay dating sim/visual novel from Obscurasoft, Coming Out on Top follows college student Mark Matthews as he busts out of the closet and engages in all manner of adventure, all the while meeting a multitude of hot guys. Whether he does the right thing, wrong thing, stupid thing, or funny thing is up to you. Beard and body hair options available for all the guys. (You must be 18 and over to play.)
Nov 30, 2022 • 100,000 words • Ages 18+
Nishimura Haru is a game developer whom after few years of work on a game project finally went back to his hometown to manage his Aunt Yuka's house who went on a vacation. While he was on the train, he accidentally bumps a quite pretty girl named Kaiko who was also going to his hometown. Later, he soon realized that this girl Kaiko was also living in his Aunt Yuka’s House. Will this turn of events leads to a romantic love story? Memories of Spring a story with full of Twist, Comedy, and Romance.
Apr 06, 2021 • Ages 18+
After five years of hard training in the school, you are finally a knight. Fight bandits, protect your village, rescue your loved ones, or do illegal things like kidnapping a princess. This game also has a combat system.
Apr 01, 2020 • Ages 13+
The year is 1985. Okazaki Naoyuki hates his unfair life. A high school student, he has been readmitted to Ushinawa High after a year living as a shut-in. His neighbours, his classmates and his teachers all look down on him and he despises them for it. But, on his first day returning, he meets a girl on his way to school and his life changes in ways he never expected it could…
Jan 06, 2020 • 9.00 hours • 100,899 words • Ages 13+
In this super sugoi and awesome dating sim, you play as Apple, a completely normal fruit and student. A dangerous murderer called The Chopper has been chopping up fruits lately in Apple’s town. Will Apple figure out the mystery? And, more importantly, who will Apple end up romancing and also fucking! Much squirting fruit juice!
Dec 29, 2019 • 1.50 hours • 11,000 words • Ages 16+
esta aun esta en una version beta y como es de esperar tiene una manga de material porque el autor(yo, el sempai cosmico) lo fabrico con un presupuesto de -10 pesos .asi que por favor, no me reporten !,asi que cualquier parecido con el logo de nba 2k17 es casualidad pura, he hecho todo lo posible para intentar traerles una sonrisa. Esto es un "juego" basado en los simuladores de los que flipan nuestros loquillos japoneses, no te preocupes este esta en español, (no como el porno que descargastes el otro dia por torrent), en la cual se presentara situaciones hardcores con waifus desde lolitas, jugadores de la nba hasta ministros chinos. . Para que te hagas una idea, te flipo con unas de las opciones que tendras que eligir en el tan mencionado juego de la perdicion... como lo descargo? tengo que pagarle un millon de pesos?O tengo que pagarlo con mi alma?, PARA DESCARGARLOclikea en el link ese que te mande, que te va a llevar a un mega, el archivo pesa unos 118 mb , no te preocupes es 100% worth y si no sastiface tus sukulentas necesidades te devolvemos el dinero. por cierto, es gratis. para activarlo, primero descomiprimite el archivo, deberian aparecer 4 carpetas y 3 archivos, vos cliquea en el exe y se va a abrir el juego
Sep 13, 2019 • 10 minutes • Ages 13+
Visual Novel Simulation Boy pursues Girl Boy pursues Boy Girl pursues Boy Mystery Parody
A short story about a couple in the far future
Sep 05, 2019 • Ages 18+
Visual Novel Kinetic Novel Simulation Boy pursues Girl Girl pursues Boy Mystery Commercial
Sinopsis [ES] La historia gira entorno a Neyunse un licántropo muy especial, el es el rey de todos los licantropos el proviene de Aria un reino donde todo es posible desde , mujeres gato, demonios vampiros y porsupuesto Succubos Todo comienza cuando Es enviado desde su nacimiento al mundo Humano por su madre Leandra y por su padre moribundo Sefirot. Aquí Neyunse conoce a su futura familia que son Elune Lala (Madre adoptiva), Elune Nana (Hermana), y Elune yuto (Padre adoptivo) no obstante Neyunse es ingresado en una nueva escuela Donde conocerá a Yuzuki Akiyama una estudiante ¿Que Pareciera ser Humana? ¿Como Evolucionara esta relación? ¿Quien es enrealidad Yuzuki Akiyama? Synopsis [EN] The story revolves around Neyunse a very special lycanthrope,He is the king of all lycanthropes he comes from Aria a kingdom where Everything is possible since, cat women, vampire demons and of course Succubos Everything begins when He is sent from his birth to the Human world by his mother Leandra and his dying father Sefirot. Here Neyunse meets his future family who are Elune Lala (Adoptive Mother), Elune Nana (Sister), and Elune Yuto (Adoptive Father) Nevertheless Neyunse is admitted to a new school Where Yuzuki Akiyama will meet a student What Would Be Human? How will this relationship evolve? Who is Yuzuki Akiyama in reality? シノプシス [JP] 物語はねゆんせのまわりを非常に特殊なライカンスロープの周りを回転し、彼はアリアの王国から来たすべてのライカントラップの王です。猫の女性、吸血鬼の悪魔、もちろんサキュバスのすべてが可能です彼の誕生から彼の母親によって人間の世界に送られると、すべてが始まりますLeandraと彼の死の父セフィロット。ここでは、ネイェンスは、エルネララ(養子母)、エルネナナ(姉妹)、エルネユート(フォスター父)の将来の家族と出会う。それにもかかわらず、ねゆんせは新しい学校に入学する。この関係はどのように進化しますか? 現実には秋山ゆずきは誰ですか?
Aug 19, 2019 • 30 minutes • Ages 18+
Visual Novel Simulation Boy pursues Girl Girl pursues Boy Mystery
This is the story of Kaiju Manahi a highschooler and a Japanese who was born in America,but learned Japanese from his parents. Join him as he chases a choice of 2 girls Fuki Hagarami and Tomoka Kishida. So far I only have 1 day and 1 route (Fuki's route) But not everything in Day 1 Fuki's route is done. I'll continue this game into for more development. BTW this is my first game don't make much of it. Not completely sure about age rating but you know just in case.
Jul 26, 2019 • Ages 16+
Visual Novel Boy pursues Girl Parody
A dating sim where you play as Wario to scam some chumps (including Mario, Luigi, Waluigi and Bowser) out of all their money by making them fall in love with you. Of course, if you should fall for them, you can choose to give in to your romantic desires as well.
Jul 04, 2019 • 16,557 words • Ages 13+
A short concept piece based around using only freely available resources.
Jun 19, 2019 • 2,104 words • All ages
Girl pursues Girl Kinetic Novel Parody
This is mostly a psycho-thriller which revolves around a homosexual couple and playing through it should take around an hour. That’s as much as I’m going to reveal though. If you’re actually going to play it, you’ll find out why it’s difficult to write a synopsis.
Jun 12, 2019 • 14,000 words • Ages 16+
Visual Novel Kinetic Novel Boy pursues Boy Mystery
*This game is in KOREAN ONLY* This is Boy's Love(BL) fangame based on fanfiction called "나는 사랑한다(I love) that is based on a manga "Ookiku Furikabutte (Big Wind Up)" by Higuchi Asa that couples Tajima Yuichiro and Hanai Azusa (TZxHN). Throughout one month of July, player is going to play as Tajima deciding what to do everyday (except Sunday) and based on the schedule of each day, events will occur. On the last day of July, there is a baseball game between Tajima's school and its neighboring school. User will also get to play as a catcher and hitter during the baseball game. According to the result of baseball game, and the number of events occurred, and the choices user has made, one of five endings will be shown.
Jun 12, 2019 • 30 minutes • 19,631 words • All ages
Boy pursues Boy Visual Novel Simulation