Odd Love Test

Odd Love Test thumbnail

Eevee Nicollie

The odd "Love test," a game to capture his heart... but dump him to win!? Kay is a woman who never had a boyfriend before. Her best friend Rina always dumps her boyfriends after getting all the "love and money" and teases Kay for being a virgin for many years. Because Kay never had a boyfriend before, Rina always makes up games that has to do with Kay interacting with strangers... for her entertainment. On a boring day when Kay and Rina meet at the park, Rina came up with the "love test," a game where you have to make a guy fall for you... and dump him! But if you really fall in love, you lose all of your money!? Help Kay figure out what to do! Win a man's heart and dump him to get your money back, or lose all your money just to "fall in love!?" A short comedy about a single woman who flirts with a so-called "nice guy!"

Jan 28, 2016 • 4,684 words • Ages 13+

Visual Novel Simulation

Release 1.2

Release Date: Jan 28, 2016
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py


Odd Love Test screenshot 1
Odd Love Test screenshot 2

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