This game may not be suitable for people under 18 years of age.
This game is not yet approved.

Summer's Clover


In this non-canon Katawa Shoujo scenario Miki Miura meets new transfer student Hisao Nakai. Miki is a strong-willed high school student with a troubled past that is still adjusting to life without her left hand. The meeting of a transfer student provides an opportunity for a fresh start unburdened by her past. This outside perspective prompts Miki to reevaluate of her current approach to life and what the future will bring. Will she get closer to newcomer Hisao Nakai or her narcoleptic best friend Suzu Suzuki?

Jan 17, 2018 • 96,600 words • Ages 18+

Visual Novel Girl pursues Boy Girl pursues Girl

Release 1.0

This release is not yet approved.

Release Date: Jan 17, 2018
Platforms: Windows
Engine: Ren'Py 6.99.13

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