Twin Faces

Twin Faces thumbnail


For Milicent, turning her back from her dream isn't an easy job. She had left everything as she leaves the military: her life, her dreams, her joy, and her only hope on actually "living". Even those emotions and memories she knew she had forgotten long ago... she knew she'd be leaving them behind. But then, another thing she thought she left behind had actually remained with her all the time. And it was a "split personality" that is inside her. Of course, she has nothing to do with her. She actually treats her more like a burden than what this personality claim as a "sister". As she tries desperately to get rid of her, she opens up a past she has hidden long ago, and remembers all the bitter memories she tried to forget.

Mar 31, 2012 • Ages 13+

Kinetic Novel Mystery NaNoRenO

Release 1.0

Release Date: Mar 31, 2012
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py


Twin Faces screenshot 1
Twin Faces screenshot 2
Twin Faces screenshot 3

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